El texto El Popol Vuh se puede clasificar como mito porque: A. Es tradición oral, narración de hechos ocurridos en el pasado. B. Es una narración popular que cuenta un hecho real o fabuloso adornado con elementos fantásticos o maravillosos del folclore, que en su origen se transmite de forma oral. C. Es una narración fabulosa de tradición oral que explica, la creación del mundo, las acciones de seres, héroes en el tiempo de los comienzos. D. Es un relato o composición literaria en prosa o en verso que proporciona una enseñanza o consejo moral.
1. El texto El Popol Vuh se puede clasificar como mito porque: A. Es tradición oral, narración de hechos ocurridos en el pasado. B. Es una narración popular que cuenta un hecho real o fabuloso adornado con elementos fantásticos o maravillosos del folclore, que en su origen se transmite de forma oral. C. Es una narración fabulosa de tradición oral que explica, la creación del mundo, las acciones de seres, héroes en el tiempo de los comienzos. D. Es un relato o composición literaria en prosa o en verso que proporciona una enseñanza o consejo moral.
Como mito, por ser un relato del accionar de los dioses, de la creación del mundo y de los hombres, dentro de una interpretación religiosa
2. datanBaruson Underg. Underg Dasarsidang kedua BPUPKI dan2. Pembahasandoverdang Panitia Cecetlokacai, kecuals.marupakan hasil dandi Godung Jawa13. Berikutlaksanakanmw.com orvog oto dari PoritibakarDibawayongSembilan adalah....dinasilton keputusan sebagaiParanbacuorihare daton donesaProds auso portant akox Panitia PaslapanPPKI dalakܝsidang BPUPKI ada.dalamPanan son yang dimiliki pendies nagualah8 Pemikiran pending pagorapogando sarkano asmolisma mengingatkangaraliteraria dibentuk sebagaiIndon-9 Peknon perde ara yang diberon na magiocar agardinantut sebagai negara yang dibacarkom10 Pertahan vendapat yang terjadi dalam har sidang dapat datori denganGap obar perialow yra labah mengutamakan
Jawaban: pembahasan materi ini
3. “La Llorona, The crying woman” Once, there was a poor man who married a beautiful woman.They lived happily. However, the man insisted that they were too poor to have any children. When he found out his wife was pregnant, the man was very angry. He told the woman that they could not keep the child. When their first son was born, the man drowned the child in the river. His wife could not do anything to help the child. When the second child was born, the man did the same. The same thing happened to their third and fourth child. When the fifth son was born, the man took him to the river.This time, his wife followed him although she was still weak and bleeding from giving birth. When he threw the child in the river, the woman jumped into the river to catch her son. Unfortunately, she could not swim. The woman and her baby were swept away by the current and they both drowned. The next night, the woman's spirit returned to the river beside her home. She was crying and searching for the son. At first, the poorman was terrified by the spirit of his wife. He begged her to return to the spirit realm. But she did not hear him. Finally, the sound of the crying woman made the man mad. He grabbed a knife and jumped into the river to kill her. But the poor man did not know how to swim. The current swept him away and he drowned. From that day the spirit of La Llorona still haunts the waters and lakes.tuliskan pesan moral dari narative text diatas
we should be patient
4. The Urban Legends of All Time 1. LA LLORONA Yours truly grew up with this particular folktale, which originates in Mexico and is about a mother named Maria (aka La Llorona) who threw her children into a river upon realizing that her husband was unfaithful. She immediately regretted the impulsive act. 2. KUCHISAKE – ONNA / THE SLIT - MOUTHED WOMAN Kuchisake-onna is a seemingly ordinary woman wearing a surgical mask, as though to protect others from catching her cold. She appears before those walking alone at night, usually children, and asks, ‘Am I beautiful?’ If you answer no, you are killed with the pair of scissors Kuchisake-onna carries. If you answer yes, she takes off her mask to reveal her grotesque grin, a mouth that has been slit from ear to ear. ‘How about now?’ she will ask; she will kill you if you say no, and cut you an identical smile if you say yes. Rumor has it that a few answers will confuse Kuchisake-onna long enough for you to escape: ‘You’re average,’. Kuchisake-onna was a woman disfigured by her husband when he found out she was cheating. After he viciously cut her mouth, he asked her, ‘Who will think you are beautiful now?’ 3. BLOODY MARY If you've ever walked into the bathroom, turned the lights on and off, and chanted "Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary" in front of the mirror. Because apparently this is how you. And the good news is that sometimes Mary's nice. The bad news is she often appears as a corpse covered in blood. 4. TEKE – TEKE Teke-Teke was a schoolgirl who tripped on some train tracks at a critical moment. She was cut in half by the oncoming locomotive. Now, Teke-Teke is a vengeful spirit who crawls around on her hands and elbows, the dragging sound of her torso along the ground making the teke- teke sound which gives her the name. Teke-Teke wanders around at night, slicing her victims in half with a scythe to mimic her own disfigurement. Once her victim comes close enough, she surprises them and reveals herself. You can only escape Teke-Teke if you can outrun her, but watch out – she’s extremely fast. 5. THE GOATMAN OF MARYLAND The half-human and half-goat hybrid monster who trolls around Maryland. According to urban legend, the axe-wielding Goatman used to be a scientist, until an experiment involving goats turned him into a goat and he started murdering everyone with his axe. 6. MOTHMAN Most people are somewhat familiar with this buggy. Mothman is a man who is also a moth. He lives in West Virginia, and first showed up during the '60s, when several folks claimed to see him. 7. THE LICKER The story goes that one night a girl and her dog were home alone, so she had her dog sleep under her bed because she was scared. In the middle of the night, she woke up to the sound of dripping coming from the bathroom, but she was too freaked out to get up and check what it was. So naturally, she put her hand down underneath her bed for comfort and was reassured when her dog gave her a lick. The next morning, she walked into the bathroom only to find her dog slaughtered and strung up from the shower rod, his blood dripping onto the floor. On the wall, someone had scrawled the message, "HUMANS CAN LICK TOO." It's unclear if The Licker is still out there licking 8. SLENDER MAN Basically, urban legend tells of a scary man with super long floppy arms who lives in the woods and preys on children. This fake story made its way into urban legend so fast and so furiously that kids started believing Slender Man was real. In fact, there have been multiple crimes attributed to Slender Man—including the high-profile case of two girls who were accused of stabbing their classmate in his name. 9. KILLER IN THE BACKSEAT A woman is driving home alone at night. Suddenly, the car behind her starts driving erratically and flashing its high beams. Understandably, she assumes she's being stalked and rushes home—getting her car safely into the garage so that the car behind her can't follow her in. And it turns out that there was a man in her backseat wielding a knife the whole time, and the driver behind her had only been flashing his lights to try and deter the knife-wielding man. 10. AKA MANTO / RED CAPE The frightening tale of Aka Manto says that the handsome spirit of a man wearing a mask waits in the stalls of ladies’ washrooms, usually the last stall in a line. Once seated, the specter’s voice will ask, ‘Do you want red paper, or blue?’ If you say red, you suffer a violent death. If you answer blue, you are suffocated until you turn blue and die. Deviating from these answer by, say, asking for ordinary white paper, will only have ghostly hands appearing out of nowhere – sometimes right out of the toilet you’re sitting on – and drag you down to Hell. But, fear not: the way to avoid any of these fates is to politely refuse anything he offers. ============================================================================
Narrative Text
Narrative text adalah teks yang bertujuan untuk menghibur pembacanya. Terdapat beberapa jenis narrative text, yaitu:
1. Fable
2. Legend
3. Fairy tale
4. Horror
5. Romance
6. Mystery
7. Myth
8. dan lain lain
Generic Structure dari Narrative Text adalah:
• Orientation : It is about the opening paragraph where the characters of the story are introduced.(berisi pengenalan tokoh, tempat dan waktu terjadinya cerita (siapa atau apa, kapan dan dimana)
• Complication : Where the problems in the story developed. (Permasalahan muncul / mulai terjadi dan berkembang)
• Resolution : Where the problems in the story is solved. Masalah selesai, secara baik “happy ending” ataupun buruk “bad ending”.
• Coda / reorientation (optional) – lesson from the story
Language Features dari Narrative Text adalah:
• Use Past tense (killed, drunk, etc)
• Use adverb of time (Once upun a time, one day, etc)
• Use time conjunction (when, then, suddenly, etc)
• Use specific character. The character of the story is specific, not general. (Cinderella, Snow White, Alibaba, etc)
• Use action verbs. A verb that shows an action. (killed, dug, walked, etc)
• Use direct speech. It is to make the story lively. (Snow White said,”My name is Snow White). The direct speech uses present tense.
PembahasanMenerjemahkan ringkasan beberapa urban legend:
Anda benar-benar tumbuh dengan cerita rakyat khusus ini, yang berasal dari Meksiko dan bercerita tentang seorang ibu bernama Maria (alias La Llorona) yang melemparkan anak-anaknya ke sungai setelah menyadari bahwa suaminya tidak setia. Dia segera menyesali tindakan impulsif itu.
Kuchisake-onna adalah wanita yang tampaknya biasa mengenakan topeng bedah, seolah-olah untuk melindungi orang lain dari masuk angin. Dia muncul di depan mereka yang berjalan sendirian di malam hari, biasanya anak-anak, dan bertanya, "Apakah aku cantik?" Jika Anda menjawab tidak, Anda terbunuh dengan gunting gunting yang dibawa Kuchisake-onna. Jika Anda menjawab ya, ia melepaskan topengnya untuk mengungkapkan senyumnya yang aneh, mulut yang telah digorok dari telinga ke telinga. 'Bagaimana kalau sekarang?' Dia akan bertanya; dia akan membunuhmu jika kamu mengatakan tidak, dan memotong senyummu jika kamu menjawab ya. Rumor mengatakan bahwa beberapa jawaban akan membingungkan Kuchisake-onna cukup lama sehingga Anda bisa melarikan diri: 'Anda rata-rata,'. Kuchisake-onna adalah seorang wanita yang cacat oleh suaminya ketika dia tahu dia selingkuh. Setelah dia dengan kejam memotong mulutnya, dia bertanya, "Siapa yang akan berpikir kamu cantik sekarang?"
Jika Anda pernah berjalan ke kamar mandi, menyalakan dan mematikan lampu, dan meneriakkan "Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary" di depan cermin. Karena ternyata begini caranya Anda. Dan kabar baiknya adalah bahwa kadang-kadang Maria menyenangkan. Berita buruknya adalah dia sering muncul sebagai mayat berlumuran darah.
Teke-Teke adalah seorang siswi yang tersandung di jalur kereta api pada waktu yang genting. Dia terbelah dua oleh lokomotif yang sedang melaju. Sekarang, Teke-Teke adalah roh pembalas yang merangkak dengan tangan dan sikunya, suara seretan tubuhnya di sepanjang tanah membuat suara tek-teke yang akhirnya memberinya nama itu. Teke-Teke berkeliaran di malam hari, membelah korbannya menjadi dua dengan sabit untuk meniru kekejamannya sendiri. Begitu korbannya cukup dekat, dia mengejutkan mereka dan mengungkapkan dirinya. Anda hanya dapat melarikan diri dari Teke-Teke jika Anda dapat berlari lebih cepat darinya, tetapi waspadalah - dia sangat cepat.
Monster hybrid setengah manusia dan setengah kambing yang bertingkah di sekitar Maryland. Menurut legenda urban, Goatman yang memegang kapak dulunya adalah seorang ilmuwan, sampai percobaan yang melibatkan kambing mengubahnya menjadi seekor kambing dan dia mulai membunuh semua orang dengan kapaknya.
Kebanyakan orang agak akrab dengan buggy ini. Mothman adalah manusia yang juga ngengat. Dia tinggal di Virginia Barat, dan pertama kali muncul selama tahun 60-an, ketika beberapa orang mengaku melihatnya.
Semoga membantu menjawab pertanyaan anda. Terimakasih :)
Pelajari Lebih Lanjut brainly.co.id/tugas/5961190 brainly.co.id/tugas/5405466 Detil JawabanKelas: SMP
Mapel: B Inggris
Kategori: Narrative
Kata kunci: Urban Legend
5. tuliskan moral value dari narative text dibawah“La Llorona, The crying woman” Once, there was a poor man who married a beautiful woman.They lived happily. However, the man insisted that they were too poor to have any children. When he found out his wife was pregnant, the man was very angry. He told the woman that they could not keep the child. When their first son was born, the man drowned the child in the river. His wife could not do anything to help the child. When the second child was born, the man did the same. The same thing happened to their third and fourth child. When the fifth son was born, the man took him to the river.This time, his wife followed him although she was still weak and bleeding from giving birth. When he threw the child in the river, the woman jumped into the river to catch her son. Unfortunately, she could not swim. The woman and her baby were swept away by the current and they both drowned. The next night, the woman's spirit returned to the river beside her home. She was crying and searching for the son. At first, the poorman was terrified by the spirit of his wife. He begged her to return to the spirit realm. But she did not hear him. Finally, the sound of the crying woman made the man mad. He grabbed a knife and jumped into the river to kill her. But the poor man did not know how to swim. The current swept him away and he drowned. From that day the spirit of La Llorona still haunts the waters and lakes.
Grateful for your child was born, because that is the best gift from god.
arti: Berterima kasih untuk anakmu yang telah lahir, karena itu adalah hadiah terbaik dari Tuhan. we must think before acting. besides, we also have to love our family and not hurt him or even kill him. (kita harus berpikir sebelum bertindak. selain itu, kita juga harus menyanyangi keluarga kita dan tidak boleh menyakitinya apalagi sampai membunuhnya).