Desarrollo Compartido Ventajas Y Desventajas

apa arti dari compartir?.

Daftar Isi

1. apa arti dari compartir?.

compartir arti dari membagi,share, atau berbagi
compartir arti dari ,membagi share ,atau berbagi

2. mengapa adanya ventilas?

tempat bertukarnya udara... oksigen dg CO2

3. Pengertian dari absolute compartive advantage

Absolute Advantage atau keunggulan mutlak adalah kemampuan suatu negara untuk menghasilkan barang atau jasa yang lebih banyak daripada negara lain, dengan menggunakan sumber daya yang sama ataupun dengan produksi barang yang sama.Keuntungan absolut adalah teori yang dibangun oleh Adam Smith. Teori ini dipakai apabila setiap negara mempunyai keuntungan masing-masing atas negara lain. Misalnya negara A lebih baik dalam memproduksi kain daripada negara B, tetapi negara B lebih baik dalam memproduksi kayu daripada negara A. Negara A dianggap mempunyai keuntungan absolut terhadap negara B dalam bidang kain, tetapi negara B mempunyai keuntungan absolut dalam bidang kayu. Agar kedua negara mencapai efesiensi dan produktivitas yang maksimal, negara A sebaiknya fokus memproduksi kain dan negara B sebaiknya fokus memproduksi kayu.

Keuntungan komparatif adalah teori yang dibangun oleh David Ricardo. Teori ini menjelaskan apabila satu negara mempunyai keuntungan atas negara-negara lain. Misalanya negara D lebih baik dalam meproduksi kain dan kayu daripada negara C. Tetapi negara C lebih baik memproduksi kain daripada kayu. Negara D mempunyai keuntungan komparatif dalam bidang kayu, jadi negara D sebaiknya memproduksi kayu. Sementara itu, negara C lebih baik memproduksi kain, karena Negara C lebih baik memproduksi kain.

Hasil dari ini adalah efesiensi & produktivitas yang lebih tinggi (karena adanya spesialisasi) dan kualitas & kuantitas produk yang ditawarkan di pasar internasional.

4. TULISKANDefinisi Bencana dan Mitigasi Bencanaplease scan definition Ventana done with me ​


maaf saya gak mengerti

5. 5. Rian mengikuti kegiatan keagamaandi sekolah.Perilaku Rian sesuai dengan sila ...Pancasila.a pertamab. keduac. ketigaIhauhan ventana​


a. Pertama


Karena bunyi sila pertama adalah "Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa". Jadi, kegiatan keagamaan termasuk ke dalam Pancasila sila pertama.

Semoga membantu :}


Perilaku Rian sesuai dengan sila pertama Pancasila

Sesuai sila Pertama Pancasila yaitu Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa yang memiliki nilai-nilai keagamaan atau masyarakat mengikuti keagamaan menurut agamanya dan kepercayaannya

6. Buatlah Degrees comparasonspositive,compartive,superlative?masing masing satu!​

Degrees comparasons

Positive -----------------> Big, Small, Tall, Fast, expensive

Comparative ---------> Bigger, Smaller, Taller, Faster, most expensive

Superlative -----------> Biggest, Smallest, Tallest, Fastest, most expensive

Contoh kalimatThe hourse is Big, The Giraffe is bigger, And Elepant is biggestThe kitty is Small, The mouse is smaller, And ant is smallestThe train is fast and airplane is faster

semoga membantu :)

7. Buatlah 3 masing-masing kalimat dari kata : cheap, expensive , interisting Total: 9 kalimat Untuk dibawah ini -positive degree -compartive degree -superlative degree

cheap. : 1). clothes sold cheap
2). the bag is sold cheap
3). The shoes are sold cheap

expensive : 1). the land is very expensive
2). the house is expensive
3). the clothes is expensive

interesting : 1). the woman is interesting
2). the bag is interesting
3). the clothes is interisting

8. make two using"compartive degree" sentences​


1. Rendy is bigger than Ibnu.

2. Susi is taller than Andra.


1.My house is bigger than yours.

2.Your grade is worse than mine.

3.The Pacific Ocean is deeper than the Arctic Ocean.

4.You are more polite than Joey.

5.My brother is taller than I am, but he is older too.

6.A rose is more beautiful than a daisy.

7.The Earth is larger than the moon


semoga membantu ya

9. Buatlah kalimat menggunakan tingkat perbandingan compartive degree dan superlative degree dengan Adjective (kata sifat) do bawah ini! A.Big B.Smart C.Exspensive??

1. Comparative: My balloon is bigger than his balloon.

Superlative: My balloon is the biggest.

2. Comparative: Anisa is smarter than Diana.

Superlative: Anisa is the smartest.

3. Comparative: Sport car is more expensive than city car.

Superlative: Sport car is the most expensive.

10. Sebelum melakukan pertunjukan musik, sebaiknya kita menyiapkan ... agar tidak grogi saat pementasasan​


barang barang musik


maaaf klo salh yaaaaaaa




Karena jika tidak ada persiapan diatas maka, kita akan grogi pada saat pementasan

Semoga membantu

11. bimby always gets 100 mark for math b. wendy always Getz 70 mark for math ubah kalimat compartive degree2a.wanda has 1kg apple b.dendy has2 kg apple​

Bimby has higher marks in math than wendy

Dendy has more apples than Wanda

semoga membantu! merci :)

12. Buatlah kalimat menggunakan tingkat perbandingan compartive degree dan superlative degree dengan Adjective (kata sifat) di bawah ini! A. Big B. Smart C. Expensive ??


-making a sentence-

Comparative degree:

(a) Wow, your house seems look biggerthan mine.(b) Let me tell you once again that she is smarterthan you.(c) Yesterday, my sister bought a china but it was moreexpensivethan the older ones.

Superlative degree:

(a) Actually, it seems your neighbor's house is the biggestrather ours.(b) In this class, Frederick is the smartest.(c) My aunt's china in my house is the mostexpensive.


Comparative degree merupakan suatu pernyataan untuk memberikan suatu keunggulandari membandingkanpernyataan pertama dengan selanjutnya.

Untuk membuat kalimat yang memiliki comparison, gunakansufiksasi -er atau more dengan memerhatikan syllable yang dimiliki.Untuk membuat kalimat yang memiliki superlation, gunakansufiksasi -est atau most dengan memerhatikan syllable yang dimiliki.

Learn more about syllables:

Dalam kalimat yang menyatakan perbandingan memiliki katapelengkap seperti:

comparative: adj + than+ ...superlative: ... + the+ adj


bigger than......thebiggest.


Hai! Untuk membuat kalimat dengan bentuk comparison/superlation, harus memilikikata yang dapat menyatakan perbandingannya dengan pernyataan pertama dan berikutnya.

Contoh lain dengan kata yang diberikan pada soal:


Avocado has biggershape than apricot.My math test score is bigger than P.E.Ghani is smarterthan Thomas.Your motivational video is smarterin persuade viewers than mine.Cars are moreexpensivethan motorcycles.My mother brought a souvenir that moreexpensivethan souvenir she had brought from Salatiga.


Avocado has the biggestshape of apricot and lychee.My math test score is the biggest.Ghani is the smartest.Your motivational video is the smartest.Cars are the mostexpensive of motorcycles and bikes.My mother brought a souvenir that themostexpensive that she had ever bought.

Bisa dipilih sendiri kalimatnya ya...


Semoga bisa membantu dan semoga sukses ya!

Good luck and wish all the best!


Subject: English

Material: ComparativeandSuperlative

Level: Middle(JHS)

Grade: 8

Subject code: 5

Categorization code: 8.5.6

13. bimby always gets 100 mark for math b. wendy always Getz 70 mark for math ubah kalimat compartive degree2 a.wanda has 1kg apple b.dendy has 2 kg apple​

bimby is better in math than wendy

dendy has more apples that wanda

semoga membantu! merci :)

14. bimby always gets 100 mark for math b. wendy always Getz 70 mark for math ubah kalimat compartive degree​


Bimby always gets higher mark than Wendy for math.

semangat belajar.

15. 27Diventanas Pa? Å K18 gDiketahui Ipt229thT9 51p dan q adalah​


sorry saya tidak mengerti nanya ke yang lain aja

16. Wirte the compartive forms basedd on the data (two sentences) Bery: 145cm ceria:150. Sisca:155cm


sisca is taller than ceria and ceria while ceria is shorter than sisca


17. Please bantu pr blm kelar bsk dikmpulin jam 1 Buatlah 3 masing-masing kalimat dari kata : cheap, expensive , interisting Total: 9 kalimat Untuk dibawah ini -positive degree -compartive degree -superlative degree

1. Cheap:
This Necklace is cheap.
This necklace is cheaper than that earring.
This necklace is the cheapest of all.

2. Expensive
This pink bracelet is expensive.
This pink bracelet is more expensive than that purple bracelet.
This pink bracelet is the most expensive of all.

I have so interesting with this book.
This book is more interesting than that book.
This book is the most interesting of all.Answer:
Positive degree
=> Anis's book is as cheap as My book.
Comparative degree
=> This car is cheaper than That car.
Superlative degree
=> This ruler is the cheapest of all.

positive degree
=> My own ring is as expensive as hers.
Comparative degree
=> His wallet is more expensive than mine.
Superlative degree
=> Elsa's Handbag is the most expensive of all.
Positive degree
=> The girl is as interesting as my mother.
Comparative degree
=> the island of Bali is more interesting than the island of Pangandaran.
Superlative degree
=> The car is the most interesting of all European-made cars.


18. Apa fungsi ventalasi dalam upaya menjaga kesehatanvorgan pernapasan penghuni rumah

Fungsinya sebagai ttempat bertukatnya oksigen dan karbondioksida yang ada di dlm rumah tsb

19. bimby always gets 100 mark for math b. wendy always Getz 70 mark for math ubah kalimat compartive degree​


Bimby is smarter than Wendy.


Comparative adjectives is used to compare difference between the two objects. Jadi digunakan untuk membandingkan dua hal. Unt di kalimat ini kita bisa lihat bimby lebih pintar dari wendy.

Semoga membantu.

20. cerita dongeng yang terdapat degrees comparisonya


there was a little boy who had a bad temper. his father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he loses his temper, he must hammer a nail into the fence.

the first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. over the next few weeks as he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily, gradually dwindled down. he discovered it was EASIER to control his temper THAN to drive those nails into the fence. finally, the day came when the boy stopped losing his temper. he told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy should extract one nail for each day that he was able to control his temper.

the day passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails had been extracted. the father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence. he said, "you have done well, my son, but look at the holes at the fence. the fence will never be the same. when you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like this one."

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